The Legend of Six Fingers is a 2013 American found footage monster horror film written and directed by Sam Qualiana (Snow Shark: Ancient Show Beast). It stars Debbie Rochon, Lynn Lowry, Andrew Elias, Tiffany Shepis and Tim O’Hearn.
Bloody Earth Films will release the film on DVD and VOD on June 24, 2014.
Two filmmakers, Neil and Andrew, set out to make a documentary about a rash of domestic animal slaughters in rural Western New York. After interviewing several local residents, the filmmakers learn the Native American legend of Yá·yahk osnúhsa? – “Six Fingers” in English, a bipedal creature not unlike Bigfoot, so named because it has three fingers on each hand. Believing that Six Fingers is responsible for the animal slayings, the filmmakers set out on a terrifying journey into the woods to discover whether or not the creature exists…