House of Mortal Sin (also known as The Confessional and The Confessional Murders) is a 1975 horror film directed by Pete Walker, and scripted by David McGillivray (House of Whipcord, Satan’s Slave), from a story by Walker. It stars Anthony Sharp, Susan Penhaligon (Patrick), Stephanie Beacham (The Nightcomers, Dracula A.D. 1972, Inseminoid), Norman Eshley and Sheila Keith. As with Frightmare, Andrew Sachs has a minor role.
A deranged priest takes it upon himself to punish his parishioners for their moral transgressions: ”I was put on this earth to combat sin and I shall use every available means to do so.” And he does…
“McGillivray’s script is full of inventive ideas which were obviously meant to shock and stir up controversy. Having the villainous murderer a repressed and crazed Catholic priest in modern times brought a new and different kind of monster to the catalog of British horror, and he’s marvelously played by Sharp. A lapsed Catholic in real life, Walker uses the film as a comment on organized religion, as extreme and satirical as it may be, with Father Meldrum mauling his victims via poison holy wafers, flaming incense burners and rosary beads.” DVD Drive-In
Trailer as The Confessional Murders:
“The excess is toned down for some good old-fashioned psychological horror and when the blood does flow, it has more impact for its rarity. Having a great cast helps too – Anthony Sharp and Sheila Keith are superb as the mad priest and his housekeeper, while the ‘young’ generation of Beacham, Penhaligon and Eshley give it a contemporary rather than gothic feel…” Cinedelica
“Acidic black comedy, or typically crass 70s horror flick brought out with the sole aim of shocking a jaded public? The jury’s still out on House of Mortal Sin (aka The Confessional), but you can’t deny that it’s entertaining.” British Horror Films
“For added box office appeal, the grotesque violence is fleshed out with arbitrary evocations of blighted sexual liaisons. However, the director remains ham-fisted, the performances unfocused rather than maniacal and the script woefully contrived.” The Aurum Horror Film Encyclopedia: Horror
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