Night of Something Strange is 2014 American infection-themed horror film written and directed by Jonathan Straiton from a story by himself and executive producer Ron Bonk (Gut Pile, Satan’s Cannibal Holocaust, Sexquatch: The Legend of Blood Stool Creek). It stars Brinke Stevens (Nightmare Sisters, Cheerleader Massacre, Carmilla: The Lesbian Vampire), Nicola Fiore, Kera O’Bryon, Janet Mayson, Kirk LaSalle, Wayne W. Johnson, Michael Merchant, Toni Ann Gambale, Billy Garberina, Brett Janeski, Wes Reid, Rebecca C. Kasek, Trey Harrison, Tarrance Taylor, Alexis Katherine.
Teenage friends out for beach week get unexpectedly detoured to a creepy motel where a deadly sexually-transmitted virus now runs rampant, turning those infected into the living dead…
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