Nightmare Cinema is a 2017 American horror anthology film directed by Alejandro Brugués, Joe Dante, Mick Garris, Ryûhei Kitamura and David Slade. It stars Mickey Rourke, Richard Chamberlain and Maurice Benard.
Nightmare Cinema focuses on a series of down-on-their-luck individuals who enter the decrepit and spine-chilling Rialto theater, only to have their deepest and darkest fears brought to life on the silver screen by The Projectionist (Mickey Rourke) – a mysterious, ghostly figure who holds the nightmarish futures of all who attend his screenings. By the time the doomed patrons realise the truth, escape is no longer an option…
Segment stories:
Alejandro Brugues (Juan of the Dead) – ‘The Thing in the Woods’ by Brugues
Joe Dante (Gremlins; The Howling, Piranha) – ‘Mirari’ by Richard Matheson
Mick Garris (The Stand) – ‘Tyler’s Third Act’, from his own story
Ryuhei Kitamura (Midnight Meat Train; Versus) – ‘Mashit’ by Sandra Becerril
David Slade (30 Days of Night) ‘This Way to Egress’ co-written with Lawrence C. Connelly, based on Connelly’s short, ‘Traumatic Descent’
The film is currently in post-production.
Main cast:
Richard Chamberlain, Maurice Benard, Adam Godley, Orson Chaplin, Stephanie Cood, Jamie Lynn Concepcion, Kevin Fonteyne, Lexy Panterra, Mark Grossman, Eric Nelsen.
Filming locations:
Los Angeles, California, USA