A Night of Horror: Volume 1 is a 2015 Australian horror film anthology film comprised of eight shorts that premiered at Sydney’s A Night of Horror International Film Festival, plus a wraparound segment.
The directors are: Enzo Tedeschi, Bossi Baker, Justin Harding, Rebecca Thomson, Evan Randall Green, Goran Spoljaric, Carmen Falk, Matthew Goodrich, Nicholas Colla and Daniel Paperis.
The Deadhouse Films anthology was produced by Enzo Tedeschi, producer and co-writer of The Tunnel (2011), and Dean Betram, the festival director. Indie film distributor 108 Media Corp have released the film via VOD.
“Expect performances that surprise for the right reasons, and expect an interesting wraparound tale in which not a single word is uttered, though a message is certainly distributed. There’s spirit within just about every performer and there’s major effort on all technical fronts, that much is extremely obvious. The shorts told within the framing of the wraparound remind us that sometimes even small projects produce huge enjoyment.” Matt Molgaard, Addicted to Horror Movies
“The filmmakers all set out to make films that were different from everything else you see in anthology films today. They definitely succeeded. Avant-garde is the most apt way I can relate the tone of the film to you. It’s appropriate that the framing story takes place in a twisted art gallery because that’s exactly how the film feels. Like walking through the most nightmarish art installation you’ve ever seen.” Erik McHatton, Dread Central
” …Tedeschi, Bertram and their band of skilled, young filmmakers are clearly united in their aims and equally matched in talent. While the look and feel of each segment differs, the relentless drive and unyielding desire to make every bloody post a winner is self-evident; it is that dark spirit that binds and defines both A Night of Horror Volume 1 and the vast horror community, who should lap it up.” Screen-Space
“A Night of Horror: Volume 1 is a great way to spend 90 minutes. It’s a ton of fun and will appeal to almost every type of horror fan. As is the case with any anthology, each person is going to love some segments and simply tolerate others. But perhaps most importantly, this is horror – not a romp through your favorite holiday. These tales are often dark and graphic.” Joe Decker, Modern Horrors
“A Night of Horror: Volume 1 is a pleasant surprise – a very nice horror anthology with not a loser in the lot. Production values and acting maintain a consistently high standard. I’m happy to see that this is billed as the first annual anthology, indicating that there will be more.” Jeff Mohr, HorrorNews.net
” …something that many horror fans can tip their hats off to, is the lack of restraint that exist in all the shorts to make a truly horrifying, bloody, and violent experience. While there is a lot of this, it is not about how graphic the shorts were, but how they were able to take over your mind and exist there even after the film has ended.” Samantha Andujar, Cryptic Rock
Main cast:
Bianca Bradey, Craig Alexander, Jessica Nicole Collins, Jessica Hinkson, Karissa Lane, Jane Barry, Rosie Keogh, Pauline Grace, David Macrae, Steve Hayden, Emily Wheaton, Lelda Kapsis and Tegan Higginbotham.