‘Don’t fall asleep’
The Sandman is a 2017 supernatural American horror film written, co-produced and directed by Peter Sullivan (Ominous; High School Possession; Summoned). The Hybrid production stars Haylie Duff, Tobin Bell and Shaun Sipos.
Synaptic VFX (The Last Witch Hunter; Restoration; Sleepy Hollow TV series) provided the special effects.
The film will premiere on Syfy in 2017 with a Lionsgate home video release in 2018.
Main cast:
Haylie Duff, Tobin Bell (Belzebuth; Saw franchise), Shaun Sipos, Shae Smolik, Amanda Wyss (The Hatred; The Id; A Nightmare on Elm Street), Ricco Ross, Jason-Shane Scott, Mick Ignis, Lyn Alicia Henderson, Paul Logan, Scott Peat, Richard Gleason, Margarita Reyes, Aaron Norvell, Scott Campbell.
Filming locations:
Acton, Hawthorne and Los Angeles, California, USA