Sleepaway Camp III: Teenage Wasteland also known as Nightmare Vacation III is a 1989 US slasher horror film and the second sequel to Sleepaway Camp written by Fritz Gordon and directed by Michael A. Simpson.
The film stars Pamela Springsteen (Sleepaway Camp II), Tracy Griffith, Michael J. Pollard (American Gothic; Night Visitor; 1989: Heartstopper), Mark Oliver (Dance of the Dead; The Crazies), Haynes Brooke and Sandra Dorsey (1976: Grizzly; 2004 TV: Frankenstein).
Sleepaway Camp III was released on VHS in the United States by Nelson Entertainment on December 15, 1989. The film has been released twice on DVD in the United States by Anchor Bay Entertainment; first in 2002 as a single DVD, as well as in the Sleepaway Camp Survival Kit. Scream Factory are releasing the film and Sleepaway Camp II: Unhappy Campers on Blu-ray disc on June 9th, 2015.
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Plot teaser:
Maria (Kashina Kessler) is heading to camp. However, she is chased into an alleyway by a large truck, driven by serial killer Angela Baker (Pamela Springsteen), before being run over. Angela disposes of the body in a trash compactor, before posing as Maria and boarding the bus to Camp New Horizon, which was once Camp Rolling Hills where Angela massacred campers the year before…
‘A returning Pamela Springsteen tries her darndest despite a limiting script, but the majority of the acting is sadly woeful. Much like its predecessor, Sleepaway Camp III: Teenage Wasteland is notable for featuring a female killer who we follow from the very beginning, which results in a lack of suspense but a fairly enjoyable time. The sense of fun that Sleepaway Camp II: Unhappy Campers possesses is absent…’ Flickering Myth
‘Watch Sleepaway Camp II first. If you enjoyed it and you want more of the same, then you know what to do. If it wasn’t your mug of joe, stay away from the third film because there’s nothing new here (other than the odd racist jibe) that will change your mind.’ That Was a Bit Mental
‘The plot was actually quite clever, bringing rich and poor together to try and create a harmonious atmosphere between them. Ultimately it doesn’t work and the owners aren’t the nice people they portray themselves to be. But as we all know ‘Angela’ will sort everything out. The death scenes are highly original and it features a high body count to keep you entertained…’
‘If you’re looking for a plot or even coherent ideas then you’re going to be disappointed, but anyone who enjoys comic films about mass murder should have fun. There are also topless scenes and several references to other films. It’s not as deliberately weird as the first Sleepaway Camp, but it could have been a lot worse.’ Jim Harper, Legacy of Blood: A Comprehensive Guide to Slasher Movies
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Wikipedia | IMDb | Image thanks: The Unofficial Sleepaway Camp Site