One of Us: The Making of Tod Browning’s Freaks Reimagined, is a proposed graphic novel written by the acclaimed writer, Michael Kriegsman, which covers the previously uncovered tale of the making of one of the most controversial and impressive horror films ever made.
Having a life-long love of Freaks, Kriegsman set out discover what was behind a film which had found itself banned for so long and which still holds the power to shock and move audiences. In his quest, he uncovered a treasure trove of previously unseen documents, on-set photographs and even the original shooting script for the never-produced 90 minute version of the film. Using the graphic novel as a vehicle to convey action which no longer has witnesses in many cases, Kriegsman shows us the in-fighting, production problems and true lifestyles of the most peculiar cast ever assembled.
Kriegsman is an award-winning producer and director based in Los Angeles and has worked on the book in collaboration with illustrator Bill Nelson, whose immediately recognisable work has appeared on the covers of the likes of Time, The New Yorker and Newsweek; and the prolific comic book artist Gerry Kissell. All three have combined to release the work, Kickstarter fundraising permitting, via Bluewater Productions. The first edition will be introduced with a forward by the legendary Roger Corman.
The original, unedited script Kriegsman uncovered reveals the intended ending for the film, incredibly, even more shocking than the one filmed! Photos of the cast relaxing on-set, details of the complicated relationship between the director and the studio and many more facts can be found at
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Daz Lawrence, Horrorpedia