The Walking Deceased is a 2015 American comedy horror spoof of zombie films directed by Scott Dow from a screenplay by Tim Ogletree. It stars Ogletree, Joey Oglesby, Dave Sheridan, Troy Ogletree, Sophie Taylor Ali, Danielle Garcia, Andrew Pozza, and Mason Dakota Galyon.
Plot teaser:
After waking from a coma, Sheriff Lincoln realizes that he is in the midst of a zombie apocalypse. He reunites with his son Chris and joins several other survivors, including four friends who use city names as aliases and a zombie named Romeo who is looking for love, to find the Safe Haven Ranch, where they expect to be safe from the zombies.
‘Dow and Ogletree simply recycle the same zombie shtick from one unfunny scene to another as if they were going down a zombie movie checklist.’ Kiko Martinez, San Antonio Current
‘ …lame satire of zombie movies, whose shelf life expired even before it was made.’ Frank Scheck, The Hollywood Reporter
‘Believe it or not, this witless spoof has even less brainpower than the gray-matter-starved creatures it’s ridiculing.’ Ethan Alter, Film Journal International
‘There’s no more disposable type of comedy than the genre spoof, and no greater example of its general creative worthlessness than The Walking Deceased’ Nick Schager, The Village Voice
‘Less a send-up of The Walking Dead than a misfired potshot at various zombie productions from Dawn of the Dead to Warm Bodies, it’s a slop bucket of lazy writing and uninspired jokes.’ Cary Darling, Fort Worth Star-Telegram
- Dave Sheridan as Sheriff Lincoln, a parody of Rick Grimes
- Tim Ogletree as Green Bay, a reference to Zombieland
- Joey Oglesby as Chicago, another reference to Zombieland
- Sophie Taylor Ali as Brooklyn
- Danielle Garcia as Harlem
- Troy Ogletree as Romeo, a reference to Warm Bodies and George A. Romero
- Andrew Pozza as Darnell
- Mason Dakota Galyon as Chris