‘Ted’s beloved cat is dead. In a mad, misguided attempt to bring his deceased pet back, he dresses up as a cat and murders people.’
Cat Sick Blues is a 2014 film production seeking funding via Kickstarter. The film is being directed by Dave Jackson and produced and stars Matthew C. Vaughan, having been co-written by Dave Jackson (Mondo Exploito) and Andrew Gallacher.
Press blurb:
Do you love your pet? Do you REALLY love your pet? Would you slaughter nine people if you thought it might bring your pet back to life? Ted would. Ted does. Ted is a messed up guy.
When Ted’s beloved cat dies, the trauma triggers a terrible mental breakdown. His broken brain prompts him to bring his feline friend back – all he needs is nine human lives. Ted dons vicious deadly cat claw gloves and a creepy cat mask, and goes on a murderous rampage. As the butchery escalates, a twisted romance blossoms between Ted and Claire, a young woman who has also recently lost her cat in a horrifying incident.
Written by horror novelist Andrew Gallacher and director Dave Jackson, Cat Sick Blues is a feature length film that explores the soul-crushing grief we feel when our pets die. It also explores the horrors of the modern world and the daily grind. No, really. It does.
It’s like Maniac with less mannequins and with more vats of blood and exploding dead cats.
It’s like if Bad Boy Bubby was Batman. If Batman was a sex-fiend serial killer and wore a giant, strap-on feline phallic appendage.
It’s like that scene from The Nude Vampire with cult members wearing animals heads filtered through a gore-drenched lens and coated with a dollop of Hisayasu Satô inspired nihilism.
It’s like… well, you get the picture.
It is ridiculous. It is harrowing. It is Cat Sick Blues.