Varsity Blood is a 2014 American slasher film directed by Jake Helgren and starring Lexi Giovagnoli, Debbie Rochon and Wesley Scott.
Plot Teaser
A pack of small town jocks and cheerleaders with a dark secret head out to a remote farmhouse for a raucous Halloween pasture party, only to find themselves up for slaughter by someone dressed as their high school mascot, an Indian warrior wielding a lethal fighting ax and a bow and arrow…
Varsity Blood was filmed in the same high school where Varsity Blues was filmed, which also happens to be the alma mater of writer/director Jake Helgren, and the fictitious town of Hogeye where the film takes place is actually the name of an old town that once existed where the town of Elgin now stands.
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“It may not be difficult to predict the turns that Varsity Blood makes, but therein lies its base appeal: It’s uncompromisingly a straight-up slasher film and pretends to be nothing else, and that’s what makes it a fun ride.” Vegan Voorhees
“Varsity Blood has some good dialogue and some fun scenes, but overall it’s a lazy, unoriginal film. Save yourself the time and watch All Cheerleaders Die instead. Helgren obviously knows his stuff, but is it just enough to be an homage to ’80s slashers without bringing anything new to to the table? Of course not.” Dread Central
“Slashers are an acquired taste, and often the dumber they are, the better, but in the case of Varsity Blood, the film-makers would’ve been better off checking their brains at the door and having fun with it, instead of trying desperately to make it something it clearly isn’t. Embarrassingly earnest, laughably unoriginal, and with not nearly enough tits, gore or, crucially, scares, Varsity Blood isn’t nearly as much fun as it thinks it is.” UK Horror Scene