‘One crazy night of debauchery and damnation!’
Bachelor Party in the Bungalow of the Damned is a 2008 American comedy horror film written, directed and produced by Brian Lindsay Thomson. It stars Joseph Riker, Trina Analee, Gregg Aaron Greenberg, Joe Testa, Rebecca Hodges, Sean Parker, Gelu Dan Rusu, Zoe Hunter (Witchcraft 13: Blood of the Chosen; There’s a Maniac in My House!!!), Afro-American Scream Queen Monique Dupree (Zombthology; Bikini Bloodbath Christmas; Sheriff Tom Vs. The Zombies), Kaitlyn Gutkes and Troma’s Lloyd Kaufman. It was shot for a budget of approximately $10,000 on Long Island, New York.
Official synopsis:
Sammy’s got access to a genuine bungalow in the Hamptons! He decides to throw the ultimate bachelor party for his best friend, Chuck. The only stipulation is that he must invite the house’s caretaker, the prude yet sexually ambiguous Gordon, to the festivities. A trio of gorgeous strippers arrives to give Chuck a taste of the lascivious delights he will soon forego. But just who will taste who and what will happen when Chuck’s fiancé arrives at the doorstep of the damned? The Bungalow may have been free but that doesn’t mean Sammy is getting it for nothing!
“Writer/director/overworked multi-tasker Brian Thomson may well believe, as he sardonically notes in the end credits, that “gaps in continuity constitute the unconscious poetry of the cinema” – but sometimes there’s just no substitute for a well written script with good dialogue, that’s well acted, well directed and well shot. The likeability of Greenberg and the spankability of Dupree apart, Bachelor Party in the Bungalow of the Damned has pretty much none of those things going for it. Cheap and it may be cheerful it may be, but that will only get you so far.” Brutal as Hell
” … a horror comedy mash-up that really delivers the goods.” Icons of Fright
“The acting is poor, but Greenberg does his best. The camerawork is perfunctory, often settling for the most obvious shots, but there are some nice stylistic touches (Fish’s introduction, especially). Most of the film relies on natural lighting, with the night-time interiors looking yellow and sickly, and the night-time exteriors (shot day-for-night, by the looks of it) are too dark to really see anything at all.” Mark West, Zone-SF.com
“It’s the horror element that I think misses the mark most of all, because really, when your protagonist is a dude in a club shirt with flaming skulls on it who wears a Fred Durstian backwards red cap even when he’s in a hot tub, there’s not really much reason to not want to see him get brutally murdered.” Chris Sims, Heavy.com
“This is far from a decent low budget vampire spoof movie yet it benefits from Greenberg’s somewhat stoic lead and a few smart one-liners amidst some painfully homophobic dialogue. Where it fails is the inferior lighting and poor effects. But compared to the likes of Bikini Bloodbath Christmas – which also features Monique Dupree and Lloyd Kaufman – this is a trashy masterpiece.” Adrian J Smith, Horrorpedia
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Choice dialogue:
“I know one thing for sure, this dump smells of pussy, we gotta get cleaned up.”
“He’s a vampire! I’m engaged to a vampire?”