The Damned (formerly Gallows Hill) is a 2013 horror film directed by Victor García (Frost Giant; Hellraiser: Revelations; Return to Haunted House; Mirrors 2) from a script by Richard D’Ovidio (The Call; Thir13en Ghosts). It stars Peter Facinelli, Sophia Myles, Nathalia Ramos, Carolina Guerra.
IFC Films will premiere The Damned in the U.S. on Ultra VOD July 25, 2014, and release it via selected theatrical play on August 29.
Plot teaser:
A widower takes his children on a trip to their mother’s Colombian hometown. En route, the family are involved in an accident and take refuge in a secluded inn, where they free a girl locked in a basement and set in motion a terrifying sequence of events…