The House of Violent Desire is a 2018 British horror film written and directed by Charlie Steeds (The Barge People; Winterskin; Cannibal Farm). TheDark Temple Motion Pictures production stars Kate Davies-Speak, Peter Cosgrove, Joe Street, and Barrington De La Roche.
The film is described as “A Gothic horror set in the 1940s, a psychosexual thriller disguised as a traditional ghost story.”
In a remote hilltop mansion, a mysterious stranger emerges from a thunderstorm in the night, seeking refuge with the Whipley family; four young adults ruled by their strict religious mother, and their troubled father, who has vanished the previous evening.
But perhaps the ‘stranger’ is more connected to this family and to the dark unknown history of the house than they could ever suspect, and as the visitor begins to cultivate sexual tensions and paranoia within the house, the devilishly erotic history of the Whipley family threatens to lure them deep into its lustful, violent madness once again.
Awoken by screams in the night, young Evelyn Whipley (Yasmin Ryan) is found drenched in blood and mysteriously bound to the bed…
Cast and characters:
- Kate Davies-Speak … Agatha Whipley [as Kate Marie Davies]
- Peter Cosgrove … to be confirmed
- Joe Street … Damien DeHaan
- Barrington De La Roche … Sylas Scorpius – Cannibal Farm
- Rowena Bentley … Lady Whipley
- Carl Andersson… The Visitor
- Yasmin Ryan … Evelyn Whipley
- Daniel McKee … Adriel Whipley
- Esme Sears … Cordetta Crimson Rose