Slice is a 2017 comedy horror film directed by Austin Vesely. It stars Chance the Rapper [Chancelor Bennett], Joe Keery and Zazie Beetz.
Dax Lycander (Chance the Rapper), an ex-Chinese food delivery driver, also happens to be a werewolf. When a pizza delivery boy is murdered, the city suspects Lycander of the crime because of his hairy past…
A24 is releasing Slice in 2018, date to be confirmed…
Main cast:
- Chance the Rapper [Chancelor Bennett]
- Joe Keery
- Zazie Beetz
- Paul Scheer
- Katherine Cunningham
- Will Brill
- Rebecca Spence
- Rae Gray
- Lakin Valdez
Filming locations:
Joliet, Illinois, USA
IMDb | Thanks to Arrow in the Head