Angelica is a 2015 American supernatural horror film written and directed by Mitchell Lichtenstein (Teeth), based on a novel by Arthur Phillips. It stars Jena Malone, Janet McTeer and Ed Stoppard.
In Victorian England, sexual repression opens a rift between young couple Constance and Joseph after the birth of their daughter Angelica. As Constance becomes more and more protective of little Angelica, a ghostly predator begins to make its way through the house late at night…
Angelica is released in the US on VOD and in limited theaters on November 17th, 2017.
“Superficially a Victorian ghost story that draws its influences from classic Gothic literature, the psychosexual themes of the film remain pertinent to this day, yet amongst all the snickering and giggling evoked by the overzealous employment of melodrama and the frankly ridiculous manifestations Constance’s repression takes, the message gets lost amongst the farce.” Patrick Gamble, Cinevue
“Angelica has venereal repression on its mind, using Victorian Britain as the canvas to paint. Hamstringing proceedings is the lack of real scares or any kind of tension building. Hysterical, dialled up acting can’t compensate for clumsy filmmaking.” Hemanth Kissoon, Filmaluation
Main cast:
- Jena Malone – The Neon Demon; The Ruins
- Janet McTeer – The Woman in Black
- Ed Stoppard – The Frankenstein Chronicles; The Little Vampire
- Tovah Feldshuh – The Walking Dead; Silver Bullet; The World of Darkness; Scream, Pretty Peggy
- Glynnis O’Connor
- Charles Keating
- Henry Stram
- Daniel Gerroll
- James Norton
- Stephanie Inorio
- Pela Kolodziej
- Connor Inorio
- Vincent Sanchez
Filming locations:
London, England, UK
New York City, New York, USA
Angelica was shown at the Berlin International Film Festival 2015.
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