Totem is a 2017 American supernatural horror film directed by Marcel Sarmiento (The Wildness; V/H/S Viral; The ABCs of Death; Deadgirl) from a screenplay co-written with Evan Dickson. Kerris Dorsey, Ahna O’Reilly and James Tupper star.
A teenage girl has to resort to extreme measures to protect her family from a supernatural entity…
Totem is released on Cinemax and VOD platforms on October 31, 2017. Blumhouse will be releasing the film internationally from November 3rd onwards.
Main cast:
- Kerris Dorsey as Kellie – Girl vs. Monster; R.L. Stine’s The Haunting Hour
- Ahna O’Reilly as Robin – Sleepwalker; The Vampire Diaries; Succubus: Hell-Bent; Dinocroc
- James Tupper as James – Beneath Us; Nothing Left to Fear
- Braeden Lemasters as Todd
- Lawrence Pressman as Bernard
- Lia McHugh as Abby
- Jocelyn Ayanna as Joan Lang
- Evan Dickson as Track Coach
- Aja Bair as Overeager Student
- Andrew Spieler as Science Teacher
- Allison Caetano as Lexy