Scream for Summer is a 2017 slasher horror film written and directed by Cheyenne Gordon. The film was written and directed by Cheyenne Gordon and produced by Studio 605 and stars Mary Watters (The Wicked One), Alicia M. Clark (The Hospital), Roman Jossart (Don’t F*ck In The Woods), Tyler Riley, Sokheang Ty, and Sonya Delormier.
School is over, and for Sam Willis and her friends there is only one thing on their minds… to have as much fun and make as many memories as they can in their last summer together. But when teenagers begin to die in horrific ways, Sam and her friends find themselves fighting for their lives against a psychotic killer whose true identity will soon be revealed…
Scream for Summer is described by Studio 605 as “a throwback to 90’s self-aware whodunit slasher films like Urban Legend, Scream, Valentine, I Know What You Did Last Summer.”
The film is set to premiere on October 19th and will be available on VOD and Blu-ray soon after.