Transhuman is a 2017 British science fiction horror film written and directed by Nicholas Winter. It stars Marc Bannerman, Steven Berkoff and Toyah Frantzen.
A young journalist delves into the underbelly of a transhumanist cult and discovers that it spans generations leading back to the Nazi’s during World War 2…
“Nothing really makes sense in Transhuman, which is a shame as the movie at least has ideas, and is occasionally filmed with a sharp eye. However, like its ungainly, biologically-refitted mutants, it’s a hot-potch that clunks along, leaving us with the lingering, unconsummated question: ‘What were they thinking?’” Benjamin Poole, The Movie Waffler
“It’s as if the filmmakers had some actors they wanted to work with and some lovely Spanish locations at their disposal and just cooked up a story to fit around them. But the story is ultra-thin, and so director Nicolas Winter fills the film with scenes of discussing where to go next, driving to that place, walking around that place, with morose orchestral music forever in the background.” Elliott Maguire, UK Horror Scene
“The characters lacked charisma. The bad guy was dorky. Things don’t pick up until the film is half over and by then you are numb with the Alex and Cassie (Rebecca Scott) story which dragged on. When the action does happen I had to ask after half a century or so, this guy has managed to “build an army” of what? A half dozen guys or so?” The Movie Guy
Main cast:
- Marc Bannerman
- Steven Berkoff – Fanged Up; Strippers vs. Werewolves; Dead Cert; The Cottage; Underworld; Slave Girls; Konga; The Flesh and the Fiends
- Toyah Frantzen
- Natasha James
- Michael McKell – Outpost: Rise of the Spetsnaz; Urban Gothic (TV series); Blood (2000)
- Rebecca Scott – Pride and Prejudice and Zombies; The Quiet Ones