Escape Room is a 2017 American horror thriller film written and directed by Peter Dukes (Echoes in the Wind; shorts: Daniel; Little Reaper). It stars Skeet Ulrich, Sean Young, Christine Donlon and Randy Wayne.
It should not be confused with the other 2017 film of the same name, directed by Will Wernick.
Four friends decide to partake in a popular escape room horror attraction only to find themselves stuck inside with a demonically possessed killer. They only have one hour to solve the room and escape with their lives…
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Main cast:
Skeet Ulrich (The Mystery of Casa Matusita; Scream; The Craft), Sean Young (Bone Tomahawk; Gingerclown; Jug Face), Christine Donlon, Randy Wayne (Hellraiser: Judgment; The Medium; Paranormal Island), Matt McVay, Ashley Gallegos, Hayley Goldstein, Iyad Hajjaj, Abraham Justice, Taylor Piedmonte, Hayley McLaughlin.