Cut Shoot Kill is a 2017 horror thriller film written and directed by Michael Walker (The Maid’s Room). The Pango Films production stars Alexandra Socha, Alex Hurt and Phil Burke.
Serena Brooks, an ambitious young actress, signs on as the star of a horror film with a crew of backwoods filmmakers that have worked together for years.
When the cast starts disappearing, Serena has to become her character if she wants to survive…
Cut Shoot Kill is available on iTunes and other VOD platforms from August 8, 2017.
Main cast:
Alexandra Socha, Alex Hurt (Grimm), Phil Burke (Van Helsing; 100 Million B.C.; Zombie Town), Jay Devore, Lexi Lapp, Zanny Laird, Josh Salt, Michael Oberholtzer, Lance Channing, Kett Turton, Ian Flanders, Nils Lawton, Keenan Jolliff, Henry Zebrowski, Kyle Harris.
The film’s working title was Call Sheet.