Bleach is a 2017 American horror film directed by Michael Edmonds (shorts: Meat; The Ghost in the Doll) from a screenplay co-written with producer Lenka Fucikova who also stars. Mark Justice, Erin Jill and Tiffany Rose Thomas also star.
A deranged killer goes to extreme measures to attempt to stop the ghosts of the girls he murdered in a snuff film from haunting him while trying to keep the authorities off his back at the same time…
The film is currently in post-production.
Main cast:
Mark Justice, Erin Jill, Lenka Fucikova, Tiffany Rose Thomas, Joe Palubinsky, Tara Reid, Eric Roberts, Lorenzo Lamas, Mindy Robinson, Robert LaSardo (Lake of Shadows; Sky Sharks; The Human Centipede III), Noel Gugliemi, Heather Ashley Chase, Vene L. Arcoraci, Chelsea Mee, Ezra Buzzington, Tito Ortiz, Ben Stobber, Jay Hieron, Stephen Manley, Nailya Shakirova, Moorea Wolf, Shaun Gerardo, Tom Bonello, Rusty Meyers.