Road of the Dead is a 2018 American comedy horror film co-produced and directed by Matt Birman (2nd unit director on Survival of the Dead; Diary of the Dead and Land of the Dead) from a screenplay co-written with co-producer George A. Romero.
On an exclusive island zombie prisoners race cars in a modern-day Coliseum for the entertainment of wealthy humans…
In an interview with Michael Gingold for Rue Morgue on July 7, 2017, George A. Romero explained the film’s premise:
“It’s set in a sanctuary city where this fat cat runs a haven for rich folks, and one of the things that he does is stage drag races to entertain them. There’s a scientist there doing genetic experiments, trying to make the zombies stop eating us, and he has discovered that with a little tampering, they can recall certain memory skills that enable them to drive in these races. So it’s a demolition derby with zombies at the wheels, and of course the shit hits the fan in other ways. It’s really a romp; it’s great fun, with stunts galore.”
He added, “This one is really almost a comedy, though it’s got scares and spooky moments and all that. It’s more about suspense than blood. While there is gore, it’s not overt; there are no big, operatic sequences where people get torn apart. There’s slapstick in it, but it’s mostly stunts; it’s quite different. One character dies, for example, in a tragic way, but was once in NASCAR and is able to come back and drive. It’s that kind of looney tunes.”
The film is currently still in development and seeking further funding.
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