The Island of the Dolls is a 2017 British-Ecuadorian-Mexican horror film directed by Sebastian Mantilla from a screenplay by Emma Raine Walker. It stars the latter, plus Isela Vega, Fernando Gaviria and Paul Alayo.
Emily (Emma Raine Walker), a British journalist, has been assigned to research and uncover the truth about the mysterious murders that occurred on the infamous Mexican Isla de las Muñecas (“Island of the Dolls”) in the 1950s.
With the assistance of her photographer friend and several Mexican locals, she travel to the mysterious island, and soon discovers the danger that awaits them.
Despite some creepy, often threatening incidents, Emily is determined to crack the case. However, as her friends disappear one by one, she is forced to accept the truth and realise, all dolls like to play…
Filming locations:
Isla de las Muñecas, Xochimilco, Mexico City, Distrito Federal, Mexico