Scars of a Predator is a 2017 American horror film written and directed by actor Andy Troy (When the Devil Comes), making his feature debut. It stars Ed Heavey, Danielle Harper and Tina Krause.
William Arnold raped and murdered four women. The law did not punish him. But sometimes there are worse things than prison…
Main cast:
Ed Heavey (Death House), Danielle Harper, Tina Krause (The Fappening; Psycho Sisters; Vampire Vixens), Amelie McKendry, Genoveva Rossi, G. Paul Salvetti, Vinny Vella, Lori Spano, Kenneth Carrella, Jasmin St. Claire (Bite School; Swamp Zombies; Army of the Damned), Ken Kushner, Lauren Michele, Cecilia Black, Cara D’Adamo, Marko Caka.