Sorority Party Massacre is a 2013 American comedy slasher horror film directed by Chris W. Freeman, Justin Jones from a screenplay by Freeman (Paranormal Incident). It stars Marissa Skell (Slumber Party Slaughter), Eve Mauro (Penance, Zombies vs. Strippers), Ed O’Ross, Yvette Yates, Thomas Downey (Axe Giant: The Wrath of Paul Bunyan, Volcano Zombies), Casey Fitzgerald (Cowboys vs. Dinosaurs), Rebecca Grant (The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde), Adrian Kirk (616: Paranormal Incident), Alison Mei Lan, Keith Compton, Richard Moll (Evilspeak, Ghost Shark), Leslie Easterbrook (The Devil’s Rejects) and former adult movie star Ron Jeremy (One-eyed Monster and many more).
The film is released on DVD on February 11, 2014, by Anchor Bay Entertainment with the following extras:
- Audio Commentary by Producer/Writer/Director Chris W. Freeman and Producer/Director Justin Jones
- Deleted Scenes
- Outtakes
- Paige Fight Scene
- Barney Lumpkin Campaign Ad
An isolated town full of college girls has a dangerous secret: One girl has gone missing each year for the last twenty years. A big city cop, in danger of losing his badge, agrees to aid the town’s sheriff in investigating these unsolved disappearances. Quickly they realize that they are dealing with a psychotic killer whose academic brilliance has been twisted into a taste for terror, torture, and sorority sister torment. But when this party gets started, who will graduate – and who will be held back?