Avengers Assemble is a 2013 American animated television series, based on the fictional Marvel Comics superhero team the Avengers, which has been designed to capitalize on the success of the 2012 film adaptation. Falcon (the newest member of The Avengers) is the main eyes and ears of the viewer as he fights evil and saves the world with his teammates (consisting of Iron Man, Captain America, Hulk, Black Widow, Hawkeye and Thor). Dracula appears, voiced by Corey Burton.
Super villain Red Skull brings together his team of power giants called the Cabal where his invitational transmissions are shown to have been received by Attuma, Doctor Doom, and Dracula.
Dracula was an uneasy ally of Captain America back in World War II when HYDRA invaded Transylvania. In the episode “The Avengers Protocol” Pt. 2, the King of Vampires is seen receiving a holographic message from Red Skull to join his Cabal.
In the episode “Blood Feud,” Dracula has converted Black Widow into a part-vampire and sends her with a group of vampires to infiltrate Stark Tower where they attack the Avengers. After the vampires are hit by the UV lights and Captain America unmasks the disguised Black Widow, Dracula offers her life in exchange for Captain America’s life. Captain America suggests that the Avengers should go to Transylvania to find the vampire that transformed her.
In Transylvania, Dracula unleashes his vampire minions as he makes off with Black Widow. Captain America leads Hawkeye and Falcon into infiltrating Dracula’s castle. When Falcon and Hawkeye find Black Widow knocked out by Dracula, Captain America surrenders. Dracula states that he can get the Super Soldier serum from Captain America’s blood and gain enough power to destroy HYDRA. Before Dracula can suck Captain America’s blood, the Avengers attack and he ends up sucking Hulk’s blood instead. Hulk becomes a vampire version of himself!
Soon, the Hulk’s blood proves too much for Dracula since gamma radiation is similar to sunlight. Dracula escapes away as his castle collapses while Iron Man uses a synthesized version of Hulk’s blood to restore Black Widow to normal. A recuperating Dracula ponders Red Skull’s offer to get revenge on the Avengers…
Wikipedia | We are grateful to The Daily Marvelite for the image of Dracula and Flickering Myth for the image of the vampiric Hulk