The Heretics is a 2017 Canadian supernatural horror film co-produced and directed by Chad Archibald (Bite; Ejecta; The Drownsman) from a screenplay by Jayme Laforest (Bite). It stars Nina Kiri, Jorja Cadence and Ry Barrett.
A notorious cult kidnaps a young girl, and sacrifice themselves by the light of the locust moon. The next morning the girl awakes, caked in dried blood and surrounded by corpses… but safe – or so she thinks.
Years later, the locust moon is about to rise again and the girl is captured once more by a surviving member of the cult. She is taken to a remote cabin where she learns that a demon has been growing inside of her all these years, and before the dawn it will rise…
The Black Fawn Films/Breakthrough Entertainment production is currently being marketed at the European Film Market in Berlin.
Main cast:
Nina Kiri (The Haunted House on Kirby Road; Let Her Out), Jorja Cadence, Ry Barrett (Zombieworld; Kingdom Come; The Drownsman), Nina Richmond, Will King, Colin Price, Ty Phoenix, Julie C. Sheppard.
Filming locations:
Erin and Guelph, Ontario, Canada