Darkness Rising is a 2017 American supernatural horror film directed by Austin Reading (Pledges; Death Valley TV series) from a screenplay by Vikram Weet (The Worthy; Devil’s Pass). It stars Katrina Law, Bryce Johnson and Tara Holt.
When Madison Shaw finds out that her childhood home is about to be torn down, she knows that she has to see it one last time. But this isn’t a nostalgic trip through childhood memories – when she was a little girl, her mother killed her baby sister, and Madison narrowly escaped with her life.
Now she has one last chance to confront the demons that have haunted her ever since. Enlisting the help of her fiance, Jake, and cousin, Izzy, they revisit the scene of the horrific nightmares Madison has been concealing from them.
While the visit begins innocently enough, unsettling events build until the three find themselves trapped inside the house by forces beyond their comprehension, forces that may have driven her mother to commit such a terrible murder, and could drive Madison to equally violent acts…
The film is currently in post-production. Raven Banner are distributing the film in the US.
Main cast:
Katrina Law (Apparition; Choker), Bryce Johnson (Visions), Tara Holt (American Horror Story; Victim), Heather Mazur (Bones; Night of the Living Dead), Christian Ganiere, Myk Watford (Bones; Trailer Park of Terror).
Filming locations:
Los Angeles, California, USA