ThanksKilling is an American independent comedy horror film shot in 2007 and released in 2009, about a cursed turkey killing off college students during the Thanksgiving break. The film was shot over a summer by Kevin Stewart and Jordan Downey on an original budget of just $3,500. It later was given a small investment to help complete the marketing and distribution of the film.
A sequel, mockingly titled ThanksKilling 3 was made in 2012.
‘ … everyone and everything is stupid, so it excuses the typical independent movie failings that crop up, particularly the wooden acting and stilted dialogue. The puppet effect especially reveals the budgetary limitations, but that’s sort of the charm, I suppose. Turkey himself still manages to be a star; sort of a feathered Chucky, he’s stuffed with bad puns and one-liners (“that’s what I call fowl play!”) and a real mean streak that results in some legitimately effective gore work; there’s a cool Alien riff in there in addition to the Leatherface-esque face-peeling, among other fun gags that validate ThanksKilling as a fine, over-the-top splatter film.’ Oh, the Horror!
‘The characters are genre stereotypes, their acting is just as bad, the effects get an A for Effort but are nothing new. The film fits neatly into the genre of new wave B-movie horror comedies that are so self-aware and obviously aim for the so-bad-its-good appeal. It’s a trend that has been going pretty strong this century. ThanksKilling, however, I found to be one of the more enjoyable ones.’ Cosmic Catacombs
‘This Thanksgiving the Geek would like to give thanks to the filmmakers for having the balls to put together a script about such a ridiculous antagonist, gathering the actors and funding, and then actually making this film. There is no reason for this movie to exist, but I’m glad it does. This is what low-budget filmmaking is all about.’ B-Movie Geek
‘ThanksKilling is completely ridiculous, but in a way that does not ruin the enjoyment level. Dumb, but actually funny in an absurd kind of way. Maybe a guilty pleasure sort of way.’ Best Horror Movies
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