Dead Awake is a 2016 American horror film directed by Phillip Guzman (200 Hours) from a screenplay by Jeffrey Reddick (Final Destination; Final Destination 2).
The film will premiere at Shriekfest 2016 on October 6, 2016.
Main cast:
Jocelin Donahue (House of the Devil), Brea Grant (The Devil’s Dolls; Beyond the Gates; Hakkoween II), Jeffrey Reddick, Jesse Bradford, Lori Petty, Natalie Jones, James Eckhouse, Billy Blair, Richard Lukens, Jesse Borrego, Liz Mikel, Chelsea Morgensen, A.J. Gutierrez, LeeLee Wellberg, Mona Lee Fultz
A young woman must save herself and her friends from an ancient evil that stalks its victims through the real-life phenomenon of sleep paralysis…