‘Some assembly required’
Patchwork is a 2015 Canadian-American comedy horror film directed by Tyler MacIntyre from a screenplay co-written with Chris Lee Hill.
Main cast:
Tory Stolper, Tracey Fairaway, Maria Blasucci, James Phelps, Craig Anstett, Seth Cassell, Anthony DiMieri, Eric Edelstein, Camila Greenberg, Mark Hapka.
Three young women go out partying one night and find themselves Frankensteined together in one body. Now they must put aside their differences so they can find who did this and exact revenge!
“Not much in the way of scares – but the frequent and well-done gore will have you laughing and gagging simultaneously. Honestly, whether in the operating room where Stitch was brought to life, or during one of the many murderous rampages to find her/their killer, there is no shortage of bloody fun in Patchwork.” Michael Klug, Horrorfreak News
“The acting by the three ladies is superb, as was the overall story. The humour hit home more often than not, and the makeup effects were excellent. While the sadist in me wishes that it was a little gorier, there’s still plenty of brutality here being doled out by the creature. Tyler MacIntyre has taken the Frankenstein tale and tweaked it, giving us something new and fun. Definitely check it out.”Pat Torfe, Bloody Disgusting
“Tyler MacIntyre’s film Patchwork is a riotous take on the Frankenstein story by way of Stuart Gordon. The writing by MacIntyre and his writing partner Chris Lee Hill (This Hour Has 22 Minutes) is strewn with humor and cartoonish violence. During one scene the girl(s) are bashing in someone’s skull with a brick and his partner, in a panicky voice, asks, “Can you please stop doing that?”. The pair really have put a lot of laughs into their film.” Andrew Mack, Twitch
“Patchwork is a highly entertaining, funny, twisted and original take on the classic Frankenstein mythos. It features fine performances, solid directing and great use of practical make-up effects; one piece nearly stole the entire film. MacIntyre’s film is very much Re-Animator for a new generation of genre fans. It’s not as good as that horror classic – not many genre films can or ever will be – but it certainly deserves to be recognized as one of the best genre films of the year…” Ernie Trinidad, Film Pulse
“Having more meaning than most lends an endearing intelligence to “Patchwork” not often found in this kind of film. Equally genius about the presentation is that none of the messaging is heavy handed. There is enough subtlety that subtext can be ignored if one chooses, and the meat of the movie can be enjoyed as unadulterated horror humor no matter what.” Culture Crypt
“Much like Stuart Gordon’s Re-Animator and Hennenlotter’s Frankenhooker, this film has a wicked sense of humor while it tosses body parts into your face. The film pulls no punches with the ultragore, which is a part of all the fun. Those who long for the 80s blood-drenched horror films have a new film to fawn over as this film sloshes around in the red stuff with unabandoned glee.” Ambush Bug, Ain’t It Cool News