‘The undead movie party’
The Penny Dreadful Picture Show is a 2013 American horror anthology film comprising of three tales of terror written and directed by Nick Everhart, Leigh Scott and Eliza Swenson.
Main cast:
Eliza Swenson, Craig Blair, Theodore Bouloukos, Sid Haig, Jeffrey Combs.
In an old movie theatre, undead Penny Dreadful, zombie Ned, and lycanthrope Wolfboy relate three horror tales: ‘Slash-in-the-Box’: A young couple find themselves being stalked by a lethal jack-in-the-box. ‘The Morning After’: Alice, a young lady, ponders what exactly happened to her last night. ‘The Slaughter House’: After their van breaks down, a group of friends must deal with a bizarre backwoods family.
“The title and the concept look like a cheap way to stitch together three unrelated short films of questionable quality … Thankfully the picture show is anything but “dreadful.” It is actually quite good, entertaining and amusing. It has a witty, wicked sense of humor prevalent in the wrap around and the shorts themselves in a favorable Tales from the Crypt flavor.” Doc Rotten, HorrorNews.net
“The Penny Dreadful Picture Show isn’t perfect, by any stretch. It’s got its problems, and a couple are easily detectable. However, if ever there was an inspired indie anthology, it’s this one. In terms of pure entertainment value, it’s right up there with recent successes All Hallows’ Eve, Little Deaths, V/H/S, and The Theatre Bizarre.” Matt Molgaard, Best Horror Movies
“This was a very enjoyable anthology film. Do I think it can compete with the other compilation films that are hogging all the spot light? I don’t think so, at least not yet. Luckily, The Penny Dreadful Picture Show is fronted by a beautiful and entertaining face, a new horror hostess capable of captivating an audience. That is by far the strongest trait of this movie.” Mike, Horror Society