‘Something you wouldn’t dare to imagine is alive!’
Jaws of Satan – originally titled King Cobra – is a 1981 US horror film directed by Bob Claver from a screenplay by James Callaway and Gerry Holland. It stars Fritz Weaver (Nightkill; Creepshow; Friday’s Curse), Gretchen Corbett (Let’s Scare Jessica to Death), Jon Kork, Norman Lloyd (1995: The Omen), Diana Douglas, Bob Hannah, Nancy Priddy and Christina Applegate. The film was photographed by Dean Cundey (Halloween; The Fog; Psycho II).
Plot teaser:
A preacher whose ancestors were cursed by Druids battles Satan, who has taken the form of a huge snake…
Buy Empire of the Ants + Jaws of Satan on Scream Factory Blu-ray from Amazon.com
‘See, THIS is how you work a motive into a horror movie – you use a creature that already has occult related significance (the serpent!), and chalk it up to Satan. Not a silly revenge mission like in Jaws 4. Also, the priest has lost his faith, making this the rare Jaws/Exorcist ripoff hybrid.’ Horror Movie a Day
‘It’s like a who’s who of movie clichés. I don’t want to complain too much about the clichés though because it’s when then the movie decides to get creative that it really humps the daggit. As dumb as everything is throughout the course of the movie (the list of offences goes on and on) it’s toward the end when we really fall into an almost abstract experience with weird shoehorned dubbing, people appearing in two places at once or out of nowhere and a climax that plays out like a battle between man and mop handle.’ Kindertrauma
‘Jaws of Satan doesn’t consistently deliver on any level. As a bad movie, it’s simply bad in a dull way: none of the performances are particularly noteworthy (save for an early appearance by a young Christina Applegate), nor is the film particularly exciting in a trashy manner. Unlike many of the films in Jaws’s wake, this one doesn’t lean on an abundance of schlock, which would be an admirable approach if it had much else going for it.’ Oh, the Horror!
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‘Terrible killer snake movie … awful Neanderthal special effects … a wretched wreck filmed in Alabama.’ John Stanley, Creature Features
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