Scream is an upcoming American horror TV series created by Jill Blotevogel that is due to air on MTV on June 30, 2015. The series is a television adaptation of the slasher film series of the same name and is being produced by Wes Craven, Tony DiSanto, Liz Gateley, Marianne Maddalena and Cathy Konrad.
The first episode, ‘Red Roses’, was written by show creator Jill Blotevogel and Wes Craven is rumoured to be directing.
Plot teaser:
What starts as a YouTube video going viral, soon leads to problems for the teenagers of Lakewood and serves as the catalyst for a murder that opens up a window to the town’s troubled past…
Bella Thorne as Nina Patterson
Willa Fitzgerald as Emma Duvall
Bex Taylor-Klaus as Aubrey Jensen
Amadeus Serafini as Kieran Wilcox
John Karna as Noah Foster
Connor Weil as Will Belmont
Carlson Young as Brooke Maddox
Dale Heidenreich as Nick Foster