‘It’s driller time … and this bits for you!’
Slumber Party Massacre III - also known as Slumber Party Massacre Part III and originally titled Night Light – is a 1990 American horror film and the second sequel to the original 1982 slasher film The Slumber Party Massacre. It was directed by Sally Mattison, written by Bruce Carson and produced by Catherine Cyran alongside uncredited producer, Roger Corman, who oversaw the first sequel in 1987. It stars Keely Christian, Brittain Frye, Michael Harris, David Greenlee, Brandi Burkett, Hope Marie Carlton, Maria Claire and Maria Ford.
Plot teaser:
A group of teenage friends are playing volleyball at a Los Angeles beach. Jackie is sitting with Diane talking when an intense-looking young man dressed in black appears and and stares at the girls. Duncan walks up to the weirdo and tells him to keep his eyes to himself. Duncan then mentions to Diana and Jackie about a party, but they tell him that it is a slumber party and guys are not invited. Juliette goes to get the volleyball and talks to her boyfriend Ken. As they are leaving, Jackie goes back to for something and drops her address book. When Sarah gets into her car, she is grabbed by an unseen person and a drill is run through her stomach from behind the car seat, killing her.
Frank drives Jackie home and they kiss for a minute. When they approach the front door, they see that it is wide open. Inside the house is Morgan, who though it was an open house since Jackie’s parents are moving. Jackie says that he can stay and look around for a while. After Jackie listens to a mysterious voice on her answering machine, an apparently nervous Morgan finally leaves.
Later, Jackie’s friends arrive for the slumber party and telling her that Sarah did not answer at home and suggests that she may have flaked out on them. Morgan calls the girls (while he is spying on them through a telescope from his house across the street) and he asks Jackie if he can look at the house again…
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“Although it was made in 1990, way after the subgenre’s heyday, and despite the smorgasbord of clichés, Slumber Party Massacre Part III still throws enough curve balls to keep you guessing (and is refreshingly free of the self-referential treatment that became so popular later in the decade) … a mixed bag: occasionally quite gruelling, whilst still laying on a the cheese with a trowel (it scores points in the unusual weapons stakes, with both death by real estate sign and a battering with a polo mallet!). Considering this was made in the slasher movie’s wilderness years you could do much, much worse.” Justin Kerswell, Hysteria Lives
“The body count also seems to be higher than the others (especially if you go with the theory that II was all in her head), with a couple rather anonymous victims and more girls to boot (more guys too, actually). And while the drill may be getting a bit old, there are still a few new gags with it, such as when a girl grabs it while it’s turned off and then he revs it and chews the shit out of her hands. He also employs other weapons besides the drill; one girl is electrocuted with a vibrator (one that plugs into the wall, for some reason), and he takes out another guy with the stake part of a “For Sale” sign.” Horror Movie a Day
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