Natura contro – English: ‘Against Nature’ – also known as The Green Inferno and Cannibal Holocaust II, is a 1988 Italian cannibal film directed by mondo director Antonio Climati. It stars Mario Merlo, Fabrizio Merlo, May Deseligny, Pio Maria Federici and Bruno Corazzari. Climati had no intention of making a sequel to Cannibal Holocaust, and the title was used by distributors of the film to cash in on the success and notoriety of the earlier film.
Plot teaser:
Four friends head into the jungle to locate a lost professor but instead face off against treasure hunters who are torturing and killing natives…
This was the last film directed by Climati, who had gained notoriety as a major player in the mondo ‘shockumentary’ film genre. Although fictional, this film deals with many common tropes of mondo films, including exotic customs and locales, and cruel violence. Strangely, however, the film appears to show compassion towards animals, while a main staple of mondo films is often real violence towards animals.
“On paper an Italian jungle adventure film directed by someone of Climati’s exploitation pedigree sounds like a truly tantalising prospect, but for whatever reason his heart just doesn’t seem to have been in the project and as a result the Italian jungle picture subgenre draws to a close with a whimper as opposed to a roar. So rest assured that The Green Inferno is a thoroughly feeble, lifeless and tiresome Italian led trek up the Amazon, which even the most dedicated of Italian exploitation completists could probably live without embarking on.” Cult Movie Forums
“This film is surprisingly bad. Natura Contro came out after the cannibal genre had already lost its popularity, so it seems by this point Italians have completely forgotten how to make a cannibal film. The film is filled with countless subplots and idiotic characters.” Who The Real Cannibals Are
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