Slew Hampshire is a 2013 American horror film directed by Flood Reed and starring Dayo Okeniyi, Shawn Thomas, and Tyler Rice.
The film was recognised for containing the “Goriest Scene of the Year” in Rue Morgue Magazine‘s 2013 Year in Review (Issue #141).
Plot teaser:
In June 1994, one of the most brutal mass slaughters in history occurred in the woods of northern New England.
Four months later, history is about to repeat itself. What begins as a humorous comedy of errors quickly becomes a Darwinian gore fest, and what unfolds is a cerebral yet repulsive journey through the history and nature of humanity and ‘civilization.’ With four distinct clans vying for supremacy and survival in the woods of New Hampshire, less than 24 hours will pass before a slew of lives have been claimed and the last of the living remains…
“It’s a unique movie that you won’t feel unfamiliar with, and that’s just one of its many tricks. Slew Hampshire actually requires you to think about it after its done, and how often does that happen with movies that essentially show themselves to be shlock horror? This is shlock, exploitation, creature feature, teen comedy and Darwinism, all trapped in the middle of the woods. So basically – fun, a little confusing and reeks of filth.” Film Bizarro