Wer (also known as Kurt) is a 2013 American horror film directed by William Brent Bell (Stay Alive; The Devil Inside) from a screenplay co-written with Matthew Peterman. It stars A.J. Cook (Wishmaster 3; Ripper; Final Destination 2), Brian Scott O’Connor, Simon Quarterman, Sebastian Roché (Supernatural; The Vampire Diaries), Vik Sahay.
A US release on DVD is slated for September 23, 2014.
Plot teaser:
Defense attorney Kate (A.J. Cook) is called to defend the creepy, yet gentle, Talan (Brian Scott O’Connor) after he is charged with the murders of a vacationing family. She soon learns that he is a werewolf and that he may have been all too capable of the slayings. Things take a turn for the worse when Talan escapes from his imprisonment and runs loose through the city of Paris…
Filming location:
Bucharest, Romania