The Pyx (also known as The Hooker Cult Murders and La Lunule) is a 1973 Canadian supernatural thriller film directed by Harvey Hart and starring Karen Black and Christopher Plummer. It is based on the 1959 book of the same title by Montreal author John Buell.
Plot Teaser
A motorist witnesses a woman falling or jumping from a tenement building. Police arrive on the scene and find a crucifix and a small metal container (a pyx). While investigating the death, a detective in the city of Montreal enters the world of prostitution, drug addiction, conspiracy, and the occult. As the investigation continues, it is revealed that the dead woman is Elizabeth Lucy, a prostitute and heroin addict. Suspects in Elizabeth’s death are soon murdered one by one, and evidence of occult ritual begins to surface, leading to a confrontation with a cult leader who may be possessed by Satan himself.
The music was composed by Harry Freedman, with actress Karen Black lending her vocal talents. Karen Black used a body double for all the nude shots of her filmed from behind.
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“A unique and chilling ’70s obscurity, The Pyx is a terrific little film that well deserves rediscovery. Complex and disturbing, it’s not your typical fright film. Don’t let the less-than-outstanding tech scare you off, this one is definitely worth seeking out.” DVD Verdict
“Though the direction is well handled and at times very atmospheric, this production is not without its fare share of flaws, with its pacing being its most glaring shortcoming. There are far too many moments that tend to drag and this prevents any momentum that does occur, from sustaining.” 10K Bullets
“A slow, complicated thriller with an intelligent storyline – and some intriguing insights into Catholic guilt – The Pyx is structured like a film noir (a main character is found dead at the onset with the action constantly shifting back and forth in time). Not for all tastes, but for the right fans, this is a wonderful mystery that’s well worth finding.” The Terror Trap
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