Tusk is an upcoming horror comedy-drama film written and directed by Kevin Smith, based on a story from SModcast. It stars Michael Parks, Justin Long, Haley Joel Osment, Genesis Rodriguez and Johnny Depp. The film is scheduled to be released on September 19, 2014, by A24 Films.
The idea for the movie came during the recording of SModcast 259 The Walrus and The Carpenter. In the episode, Smith with his longtime friend and producer Scott Mosier discussed an article featuring a Gumtree ad where a homeowner was offering a living situation free of charge, if the lodger agrees to dress as a walrus. The discussion went on from there, resulting in almost an hour of the episode being spent on reconstructing and telling a hypothetical story based on the ad. Smith then told his Twitter followers to tweet “#WalrusYes” if they wanted to see their hypothetical turned into a film, or “#WalrusNo” if they didn’t. A vast majority of Smith’s following agreed that the film should be made. The post on Gumtree was in fact a prank post by noted Brighton poet and prankster Chris Parkinson, a fan of Smith who then hoped he would get in touch with him so he could be involved in the film. Kevin Smith eventually hired Parkinson as an associate producer.
Plot teaser:
When podcaster Wallace Bryton goes missing in the backwoods of Manitoba while interviewing a mysterious seafarer named Mr. Howe, his best friend and girlfriend team with an ex-cop to look for him…
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