Captain Clegg (aka Night Creatures) is a 1962 British horror film directed by Peter Graham Scott from a screenplay by “John Elder” [Anthony Hinds] based on Russell Thorndike‘s Dr. Syn character. The film stars Peter Cushing, Yvonne Romain, Patrick Allen and Oliver Reed. Essentially a grim action-adventure film, it has macabre elements as befits a Hammer Films production.
1792, Dymchurch, England: On Romney Marshes Captain Collier and his “revenue men” are investigating smuggling of wine and brandy from France. They suspect that the outspoken vicar may be involved but their investigations are hampered by reports of “Marsh Phantoms,” spreading terror to any who encounter them…
“Some truly wonderful sets, costumes and props – as well as some excellent location shooting – make it one of ‘Hammer’s’ most lush productions and it certainly defies the ever present ‘Hammer’ low budgets. The – sadly rare – use of the marshes as well as the green English fields and meadows add a welcome space and reality to the unfolding events.” Beardy Freak
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