Grisly is a 2014 American sci-fi horror short film project directed by Graham Cribbin. It stars Jaimi Paige and Jeison Azali.
Grisly captures a portion of a much larger universe of supernatural characters that will be expanded on in the Grisly Tales web-series planned for release later this year. The production team have launched a Kickstarter campaign to raise funding to finalise the short film.
Plot teaser:
Carolyn Bronnicke, is a young woman who has mysteriously transformed into a mutated Gill Girl and is captured by ACS/M-Division, a secret government black-ops facility led by Director Christopher Smalls.
Assigned to review her case is Agent Milo Finn of the CIA. As Agent Finn conducts his review of the case he discovers a secret shop of horrors at ACS where Director Smalls has approved the torture and of Carolyn/Gill Girl led by his henchmen Prof. Matthew Lamb and Sgt. Alex Stevens…