ANNA, previously known as Mindscape, is a 2013 Spanish-American psychological thriller film written by Guy Holmes. It is the debut feature of Spanish filmmaker Jorge Dorado and stars Taissa Farmiga (American Horror Story), Mark Strong and Brian Cox. The film was produced by Ombra Films, a production company formed by Jaume Collet-Serra (Orphan; Unknown) and Juan Solá, with the aim of generating English language thriller, horror and fantasy films via emerging Spanish talent.
The world premiere was held at the 46th Sitges Film Festival on October 13, 2013 receiving critical acclaim from audiences. A re-titled version of the movie named ANNA is being distributed in North America via Vertical Entertainment.
Plot teaser:
John Washington (Mark Strong) is a recently widowed man with the ability to enter people’s memories. In the past, John used his abilities to solve criminal cases, but after a stroke during a session gone wrong that leaves him incapacitated and financially broken, he is left a shell of his former self. Desperate for an assignment, John asks his superior, Sebastian (Brian Cox), for a new job. The case he receives is that of a brilliant but troubled and dangerous 16 year old girl, Anna (Taissa Farmiga), to determine whether she is a sociopath or a victim of trauma. Anna, the daughter of wealthy parents, has gone on a hunger strike, and while John enters her mind to find out why, disparate memories overlap, and it is possible that Anna is not as innocent as she seems.
“An over-the-top B-movie concept, a satisfyingly twisty plotline and an intriguing central tandem are the hallmarks of a sharp-witted film that delivers all the traditional elements but which lacks the flair factor.” The Hollywood Reporter
“You can almost smell the dust on the screenplay, and the scare tactics — doors closing by themselves, mumbled surveillance video testimonies played in reverse, creepy self-portraits that seem to be drawn in blood — are more precious and irksome than frightening. But Taissa Farmiga (sister of Vera) is a marvel in the title role.” Sam Weisberg, Village Voice
“It’s a set-up which, in lesser hands, could easily have subsided into cliché. That it doesn’t is due partly to the strong script and partly to Taissa Farmiga’s refreshingly natural performance as the troubled teenager, which has none of the gloss or smarminess we’ve come to associate with pointedly intelligent characters of this sort.” Jennie Kermode, Eye for Film
- Taissa Farmiga as Anna Greene, troubled and dangerous 16 year old girl
- Mark Strong as John Washington, a detective with the ability to enter peoples’ memories
- Brian Cox as Sebastian,
- Noah Taylor as Peter Lundgren
- Clare Calbraith as Jaime
- Saskia Reeves as Michelle Green
- Alberto Ammann as Tom Ortega
- Richard Dillane as Robert Green
- Julio Perillán as Senator Rockford
- Rod Hallett as Detective Worner
Antonia Clarke as Susan - Molly Malcolm
Bruno Sevilla as a detective