Redemption Films is a British media company created by Nigel Wingrove that began releasing VHS videos in 1992. Wingrove chose to market the company’s initial releases in stark black and white (with blood red trimmings). The company logo featured Eileen Daly, his wife at the time. Initially, some horror and cult movie fans were perplexed by this distinctive approach but they sold well to the general public and the branding/packaging appealed to stores looking to create cult movie selections.
Eventually. under pressure from admirers of original artwork, Redemption (and Salvation) began to issue their sleeves with both original and new artwork, as many DVD and Blu-ray companies now do. In retrospect, some of the unique artwork for Redemption/Salvation releases has now acquired its own cult status and original VHS tapes such as Crazy Desires of a Murderer are very collectible.
Here is a selection: