Phantasmagoria is a forthcoming 2015 Italian anthology horror film directed by Mickael Abbate, Domiziano Cristopharo, and Tiziano Martella. The stories are written by Mickael Abbate, Davide Chiara (Nero Infinito), Raffaele Picchio (Morituris), Lorenzo Paviano, Riccardo De Flaviis, co-produced by Extreme Video (Anger of the Dead, Morning Star, Zombie Massacre 1 and 2) and produced by M International Films. It is being pre-sold at Cannes this May by The Open Reel.
Phantasmagoria offers three tales: ‘Diabolique’, ‘Il serpente dalla lingua acciaio’, and ‘My Gift to You’. The cast includes: Cristina Puccinelli (L’Ultimo Weekend), Venantino Venantini (City of the Living Dead, Ladyhawke), Sophie Pâris, and newcomer Maya Dolan.