Dead on Appraisal is a 2014 comedy horror anthology film produced by Infested Films and directed by Sean Canfield, Scott Dawson and David Sherbrook. It stars Zack Fahey, Mike Pfaff, Marguerite Insolia, Anthony Berhle, James Howell, R. Daniel Long, Nicholas Leonard, Luke Bishop, Michael Brouillet, Laura Owen, Russell Maltz, Keith Lewis,
The film is comprised of three stories: “The Morning After” and “Freddie and the Goblins” “Father Land” and, wraparound, “Closing Costs”.
Plot synopsis:
Real estate agent John Dante has a problem. He’s stuck with a house he can’t sell. Despite his best efforts, he can’t seem to overcome the house’s past and the macabre tales that precede it in this haunting anthology.
In “The Morning After”, a group of friends wake up from a party to find a nightmare in the form of the worst bug invasion any homeowner has ever seen. Then there’s Freddie Cooper and his band, “Freddie and the Goblins”; a tale of how Freddie’s band mates try to kick him out and get caught up in the young singer’s growing psychosis. With his hopes of selling the house fading, John is horrified to hear the story of Robbie, a young veteran of the war in Iraq, who returns home to live with his father Brad in “Father Land”. Something isn’t right, though, as Robbie’s dark secret slowly bubbles to the surface. As the house’s dark past comes to life, John becomes weary and is convinced the house is cursed and unsellable…
” … a hidden gem of indie horror comedy and for those of us that have any form of nostalgia for the goofy range of Full Moon films from the 90′s, and of course Troma lovers, this is a must-see. So in short, if you enjoy cheesy creature effects and gore-laden monster-ridden funhouse style films, Dead on Appraisal should shoot right to the top of your watch list.” Blood Sucking Geek
“The final few minutes of this movie are beyond spectacular. As if the entire movie hasn’t been a blood soaked, gore infested thing of beauty these next few scenes escalate the awe factor from 6 to 666 to the tenth power.” Theron Moore,
“The greatness of the film is revolved around the use of puppets to dish out the dastardly deeds in each story. From the Slither style take over In The Morning After to the goblins in the last segment the puppets bring a great amount of candor to the movie.” Horror Movies Uncut
“This is not the most cleanly made or succinctly executed film. It’s rough around the edges and the low budget stuff many scoff at. Still Dead on Appraisal shows a lot of promise for the effects men and storytellers involved as they made a film that excels despite its shortcomings.” Ain’t It Cool News