Lost Time is a 2014 science fiction horror film directed by Christian Sesma (On Bloody Sunday) based on a screenplay by himself, Kenneth Owens and Rochelle Vallese (Scar, Alien Armageddon). It stars the latter, plus Luke Goss (Frankenstein (2004), Unearthed), Robert Davi (Maniac Cop 2 & 3, Predator 2), Derek Mears (The Hills Have Eyes II, Friday the 13th as Jason Vorhees, Hatchet III), Lin Shaye (2001 Maniacs, Big Ass Spider, Insidious: Chapter 2), Jenni Blong (Ghost Whisperer), Vyto Ruginis (The Devil’s Advocate, Wishmaster 2), Chelsea Ricketts, Maria Olsen, Tonya Cornelisse, Jennifer Cortese, Todd Cattell.
Plot teaser:
Valerie has been diagnosed with terminal cancer. After the diagnosis, she is driving with her sister Melissa on a country road when the car stops and is engulfed in a blinding light. 12 hours later Val wakes up and Melissa is nowhere to be found. Months later and all sign of Valerie’s cancer is gone, but still no sign of her sister. Carter (Luke Goss), Valerie’s cop boyfriend, wants to help her but their relationship means he is pulled from the case.
Could it be an alien abduction? Valerie’s dreams and visions suggest it could be. Searching the web she finds a book about blackouts called Lost Time and meets author Dr Reed (Robert Davi), who claims to have the answers she is looking for…
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