Easter Bunny Bloodbath is a 2010 Canadian horror film written and directed by Richard Mogg (Bangin’ Vengeance!). It stars Shayan Bayat (Bangin’ Vengeance!), Meghan Kinsley, Travis Turner (Mighty Mighty Monsters in Halloween Havoc), Adrian Daniels, Laura Hope, Jessica Hill (Resurrection – short), Chris J. Clements, Halie Hunter, Jim Hunter.
To date, the film has only been available via two limited edition VHS releases.
Twenty years ago, young Peter McKay watched his father decapitate his sister on Easter morning. Peter never celebrated the Easter holiday again… until now.
“Black humour can fit superbly when utilised the right way in a scary movie, but how many times do we need to see dumb slapstick failing in the slasher genre before filmmakers begin to realise that it just doesn’t work? Here it feels especially out of place because the tone became quite grim on occasion and I was really impressed by the mixture of mystery and terror. Despite some of the dialogue being amusing and the film having some fun, I felt that Mogg could have got much more out of the concept if he just played it straight.” A Slash Above…
” … while being marketed as a homage it was really just a way for the director and producer to put together the worst possible thing they could as lazily and cheaply as they could and then manipulate those who, like myself, feel a great nostalgia for the old so damn bad they were good straight to video classics like Truth or Dare, A Critical Madness and Microwave Massacre. But this is far removed from anything like that. If anything it’s a mockery and an insult to such things.” Drew Mead, Best Horror Movies
“Despite not being exactly who the producers had in mind, there was enough to love in Easter Bunny Bloodbath that I really had fun with it. I’m all for Easter themed horror that’s not Passion of the Christ, and giving a film an 80s sensibility, even if it was a late 80s sensibility, always seems like a good idea to me. For the most part Easter Bunny Bloodbath is like a recently unearthed 80s slasher, it just happens to be a slasher where the killer is someone in an Easter Bunny outfit.” Devon B., Digital Retribution
“Nevertheless, Richard Mogg set out to make a great bad movie and that’s what he delivered. It has got fake blood splatter and intentionally cheesy acting and it’s all the better for it. He knew he had limitations and he turned those potential weaknesses into strengths and the end result is the best killer Easter Bunny story you’ll ever see… on your home video system.” Doug Ferguson, Sour Grapes Winery
“Finally, those looking for gory on screen deaths will find them here. The special effects for these kills are not that great but the kills are still fun as hell making this one fun S.O.V. throwback. Overall, this is a S.O.V. horror comedy that has tons of blood and tons of laughs. I highly recommend it.” Blacktooth, Horror Society