Autumn Moon is a 2014 American horror film directed by Randy Fabert from a screenplay by Michael Spivey and Randy Fabert.
The project is currently raising funds via Kickstarter
Cast: Bill Oberst Jr.(Abraham Lincoln vs. Zombies, Children of Sorrow), Lynn Lowry (I Drink Your Blood, Shivers, Cat People) ), Camden Toy (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Chromeskull: Laid to Rest 2), Timothy Waldrip (Kiss of the Vampire), Joe Kidd, Michael Peake, Nathaniel Grauwelman (Abraham Lincoln vs. Zombies), Iabou Windimere (Psychic Killer), Jocelyn Tanis, Larry Combs, Gerri Sutyak (Buffy the Vampire Slayer), Sonny Burnette (Zombies R Friends), Richard Aughpin, and Randy Fabert (Psychic Killer).
Fabert says: “We have invested our time and money to shoot the opening scene to our kick ass old school Werewolf film “Autumn Moon”. We need your help to finish it! Kickstarter funds will be used to hire the remaining cast and crew to finish the film. Our F/X budget will go towards finishing the WOLF costumes, mass body parts for mass graves, and LOTS OF BLOOD. This movie will be one of the bloodiest films ever made!”